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Creative Visions Job Club Gains Momentum

Efforts Focus on The Hard to Place Unemployed And Underemployed

Employer Dee Zee representatives making presentation at a recent Job Club meeting

Creative Visions Job Club has witnessed a marked increase in participation by employers and individuals seeking employment. The Job Club, which is part of Creative Visions’ Job Readiness programs, was started three months ago as a way to provide an opportunity for unemployed individuals to meet and share their efforts to seek employment, learn useful tips to maximize their employment search and meet potential employers and Human Resource experts.

The Job Club meets twice a month at Creative Visions 1343 13th Street and consists of a speaker, which is often an employer talking providing information about employment opportunities or a human resource professionals who will critique resumes and provide best practice tips in searching for a job.

The Job Club is free and open to the community and focuses on individuals who have challenged backgrounds that make it difficult for them to find employment and individuals who have been unemployed for 12 months or more. “Finding and maintaining suitable employment  helps lift an individual from the grips of poverty. Our Job Club not only helps an individual to find employment, but also helps them address the stress and challenges they face while seeking employment.” said Creative Visions’ CEO Ako Abdul- Samad.

Individuals do not have to attend all meetings to participate, but regular attendance is encouraged. If you would like to join the Job Club, or if you are an employer and would like to participate, please contact Kevin Clark, Job Readiness Coordinator at 244-4003.


AT&T's Beth Canuteson making presentation to Board Chair Michael Sadler and Staff ( L to R Kay Gill, Bookeeper: LaVon Williams, COO; and Cynthia Hunafa Program Coordinator and Learning Coach

Forums Promote Education and Economic Empowerment


Des Moines, IowaOctober 31, 2011 Creative Visions Human Development Institute Knowledge is Power series received generous support from AT&T Foundation to kick off the second year of community forums developed to promote education and economic empowerment.

The community forums, which began in 2010, consist of speakers and panel discussions from community and national experts on topics pertaining to educational and economic issues. Funding from supporters such as AT&T allows Creative Visions to be able to provide the forums at no costs to the community.

Knowledge is power. When you know better, you can do better. The forums allow the community to hear and learn from local and national experts about practical steps they can take that will lead to their personal and family success,” said Ako Abdul- Samad, the Founder and CEO of Creative Visions.

Creative Visions was founded in 1995 with a mission of developing economically vulnerable individuals, families and communities into becoming self-empowered, self-responsible, and self- sufficient through education and economic empowerment.

The AT&T Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the corporation and is committed to providing grants that improve education and advance community development.

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