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Creative Visions Youth Summit A Success!

Participants listen to presentation by Jamel Crawford from Grubbs YMCA

Creative Visions held it first ever youth and teen summit to an enthusiastic group of youths ages 9-15 years old from the Des Moines community. The two day event began Friday August 26 with a community forum for parents. During the over one hour long discussion, moderated by Ako Abdul- Samad, Creative Visions’ CEO, panelist from the Des Moines Police Department, Creative Visions, Urban Dreams, and Community for the Protection of Children discussed with parents the many risks and dangers facing community youths as well as the resources that are available to them to help overcome such problems and dangers.

The summit concluded Saturday with an all day summit for youths who participated in workshops conducted by representatives from PACE, EFR, Polk County Health, Polk County Juvenile Court, Grubbs YMCA, and the Des Moines Police Department. The workshop address a number of issues impacting youths ‘ health and safety and included two workshops on traffic safety which involved an actual demonstration by the Des Moines Police Department on the impact of being impaired.

“This summit was not only an opportunity to help educate parents and youths on health and safety issues impacting our youths, but also a chance for community partners to continue our collaborative efforts of working together for the betterment of our youths and our community.”  “Creative Vision is pleased with the level of support we have received from community partners in putting on the summit, and we could not have done it without them”, said Ako

Creative Visions thank its sponsors: U.S. Dept of HHS Region VII Office of Minority Health,  Governors Traffic Safety Bureau, Corinthian Baptist Church, Dan McFall, and Brent Williams and the panelist and workshop presenters who helped to make the event a success.

Creative Visions and Community Partners to Host Youth and Teen Health and Safety Summit


Creative Visions along with the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau,  U.S. Dept of HHS Office of Minority Health, Moulton Extended Learning Center and Corinthian Baptist Church will sponsor  Live and Play Smart, a Youth and Teen Health and Safety Summit on August 26 and August 27, 2011. On Friday  from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. the community can hear from a panel of community experts about the health and safety issues and problems  impacting community youths and teens and the community resources that are available to them to address these problems.   On Saturday August 27 from 9:00 A.M. to 3:30 p.m. youths and teens can participate in workshops on a variety of topics that are developed to build decision making, leadership, self- esteem, substance abuse and other youth- centered topics. The workshops are set up in two age groups Youths 9-12 and Teens  12-18.  Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Saturday.  All events are free and open to the public.  For more information, please call LaVon Stennis Williams at (515) 244-4003 Ext. 118

Saturday’s Workshop Schedule and Topics

9-10:00 a.m.- Breakfast and Registration

10:15- 11:00 a.m.

Youths- Self Esteem and Decision Making

Teens- Leadership Development and Decision Making

11:00- 11: 45 a.m.

Youths- Obesity Prevention

Teens- Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention

11:45- 12 All  Group meeting

12:00- 1:00 Lunch and Traffic Safety Workshop

1:15- 2:00

Youths- Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention

Teen- Infectious Disease Prevention

2:00- 2:45

Youths- Safety First

Teens- Stress, Bullying, and Suicide Prevention

2:45- 3:30 Youth Pledges and Wrap Up

All  events are free and open to the public. Door prizes of Kum and Go and Wal-mart Gift Cards will be given away along with other items.

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