Cretive Visions joined numerous community organizations at a summer health and safety fair sponsored by Community and Family Urban Ministries and Moulton Learning Center. It is estimated that over 500 community members from young children to senior adults participated in this event. The event offered community organizations an opportunity to share information about their services and programs available to the community. ” Its about collaboration and pooling resources to better serve our community and clients and Creative Visions is proud to be a part of this worthwhile event”, said Creative Visions’ CEO Ako Abdul- Samad.
Among the information offered by Creative Visions was safe driving and energy efficiency tips which are part of Creative Visions’ Traffic Safety program which is co- sponsored by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau and its I Am Green program, which is co-sponsored by the Iowa Office of Energy Independence, MidAmerican Energy and the Energy Group. Creative Visions’ staff answered questions and provided information on the perils of distracted driving and ways in which households can reduce their energy use and save money during the three hour event. 
Please join Creative Visions on Sunday July 24 from 3-6 p.m. at the Evelyn Davis Park in celebration of Creative Visions 15th Anniversary. There will be food, games, music and fun. All food and activities are free and open to the community. Community organizations are invited to call LaVon Stennis Williams at 244-4003 Ext. 118 to reserve table space at no costs to provide information about your organization.