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Creative Visions Joins Efforts to Curb Violence

Creative Visions Human Development Institute is proud to be a part of community efforts to end violence. Ako Abdul-Samad, Creative Visions CEO,  participated in a press conference called by the Des Moines Police Department to annouce a community ambassador program to end  violence through several preventative measures. To view the press conference, and learn more about this crime-fighting initiative please click here

Just Drive- Creative Visions Traffic Safety Program Takes on a New Focus

Just DriveJust Drive, a traffic safety program developed by Creative Visions, along with the Iowa Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau and AT&T, will now be promoted through Peer2Peer, a youth program developed to get youths involved in promoting positive living and decisions among other youths. The Peer2Peer program involves youths in Creative Visions Young Women of Vision and other community youths interested in spreading positive messages and promoting safe activities. Any youth between the ages of 14-18 may join Peer2 Peer by calling Creative Visions at 244-4003. Peer 2Peer messages are communicated through YouTube.

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