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Play to Honor Organization’s 15th Crystal Anniversary A Great Success



To kick of the celebration  of Creative Visions Human Development Institute’s  15th  Crystal Anniversary, Creative Visions  hosted the play Harriet Tubman: The Chosen One on March 4, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. at the Iowa Historical Society 600 East Locust St. Des Moines Iowa. 

The play was performed by critically acclaimed actress Gwendolyn Briley- Strand whose performance took  the audience of over 100 patrons  on one of the journeys Ms. Tubman took through the Underground Railroad.  The music, props, costumes, and extraordinary acting gave the audience an  understanding of the challenges that Harriet Tubman and other slaves experienced during that. The play also provided the audience with  a greater understanding of why the strength, courage, and faith shown by Harriet Tubman is still needed  to guide, inspire and empower communities to overcome the challenges we face today.

One highlight of the evening was the recognition of two Moulton Middle School students who won national honors for their rhetorical and math and science skills. 

The play is one of many events that Creative Visions will hold this year in recognition of 15 years of Service and Empowerment.

Creative Visions Announces the Spring Schedule for Computer Literacy Classes

The new Spring schedule for Computer Literacy Classes will run from March 21-May 9 from 4:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. each Monday. The classes  will cover topics from developing basic computer and mouse skills to creating Excel document. The specific topic for each class may be found by clicking on the Calendar tab.

Creative Visions  provides computer literacy classes in its efforts to help A recent study by Pew Research pointed out the underutilization of technology by minorities to improve socio economic conditions and to address quality of life issues. The report showed that African Americans and Hispanics are more likely to use hand held wireless devices such as cell phones to access the internet bypassing broadband internet use.


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